Huesnegl fundet på en sten fra Lille Høgsholt Bæk under Naturens Dag, 2011
Hvorfor skal det hele gå så stærk? Slow-food og slow-living bevægelserne/tankegangen kunne måske inspirere til at højt tempo og hovsaløsninger ændres til lavere tempo, bedre livskvalitet og langtidsholdbare løsninger. Her er en fin wiki definition som synes at passe til et ønske jeg har for mit eget liv - det kniber dog med at omsætte det til prakis i det daglige.
"Slow Living is the choice to live consciously with the goal of enhancing personal, community and environmental well being. Slow Living recognizes the role that time plays in shaping the quality of our lives. By slowing down we make time to savor our experiences and to connect more fully with others. The process of slowing down involves simplifying our lives and minimizing distractions so that we have more time and more energy to focus on what is meaningful and fulfilling. By consciously choosing to do less, we contribute to reducing some of the negative social and environmental impacts of our actions."